Find Your Bliss!
Unleash Your Creativity
I believe everybody is creative at some level of their being. Given the opportunity to express it can be a wonderful journey of self-discovery. I can say this because I never knew I was creative until I explored art and photography in my twenties.
Ever since then, I have blossomed into the individual I was meant to be, not who I was brought up to be. I have been fortunate to make a 35-year career from my creativity and want to share it.
My intention is to provide a deeply satisfying soulfully enriching experience that brings joy and peace to each participant. These online playshops are an opportunity to deepen or to begin the journey to reconnect to your innately whole inner self.
Play, Have Fun, Make Art
Warning: Participation may cause euphoria!
When was the last time you took time just to relax, unwind and play?

Creatively Ignited
This fun, fast and furiously creative workshop doesn’t allow your critical mind or second-guessing self to take part. Your creativity will be ignited and unleashed by experiencing art-making in a purely intuitive, free-your-soul way. Using numerous techniques and supplies you will explore your creative evolution.

Mixed Media Mashup
Explore a variety of creative mediums and try new and fun approaches to expressing your creativity. Let go of perfection, preconceived ideas and try numerous techniques and find your groove in this exploratory introduction to using various art supplies and methods. A guaranteed feel good experience.

Zen of Collage
Immerse yourself in a carefree playshop where no experience, just an open mind, is necessary. Leave feeling like you’ve meditated for three hours and find your bliss again. A great way to reconnect with yourself and increase your serotonin levels.
All programs can be customized to suit your needs and supplies mailed (if required)
Lights, Camera, Action!
Personalized Photography Lessons
Learn how to use your camera and other photographic equipment to its fullest and get the images you have always wanted. In 1.5 hours I can bring you up to speed with understanding your camera/gear and what it can do for you. Includes a handy tip sheet.
These private lessons are like a semester’s worth of learning in one compact, easy-to-understand session. Save yourself the time, travel and expense of repetitive group classes as the focus is on you, your camera and what you want to do with it.

Outdoor Photo Fun
Enjoy a scenic walk to a nearby forest and waterfront park and find gold in your images as you are inspired to see beyond the obvious, develop an eye for composition and enjoy an outing. Ideal for camera phone and digital camera users. This class isn’t about the camera you own, but about having fun with what you have and seeing things in new ways.

Impactful Photo Critiques
The fastest way to improve your photography and train your eye is to have an honest critique of your images. I love sharing what I have learned as a professional photo adjudicator. My designation as an accredited judge has resulted in me giving critiques at both amateur and professional photography events the world over. In a group setting, the learning is fast, impactful and truly dynamic.

Creative Camera Control
Manual Mode Simplified! Do you have a digital SLR and want to shoot like a pro? Learn how to use your camera in manual mode so you have complete creative control over your exposures and images. Includes helpful cheat sheet.

Buying the Camera That’s Right for You
Save yourself hundreds of dollars by purchasing the camera that’s right for you by having me narrow down and explain the pros and cons of various cameras to suit your budget.

Studio Lighting Simplified
Learn what’s possible with studio lighting and enjoy this introduction to sculpting with light. Ideal for anyone who has always had a curiosity about studio portraiture. Be sure to bring your questions and ideas.

Photoshop & Lightroom Lessons
Always wanted to learn more about Photoshop and Lightroom but don’t want to commit to a series of classes? Here’s your chance to get a great overview and explore more. Lessons are tailored for both beginner and advanced users.

Advanced Photoshop & Lightroom
Ideal for those with intermediate knowledge and experience using Photoshop and/or Lightroom, but would like some professional tips and tricks and the opportunity to ask a variety of questions.
1.5 hours