TC Homes Features

This is one of many features to come for the Times-Colonist. I was invited to be their new Homes Section feature photographer. Watch for more incredible places each Saturday. I am freelancing with the fabulous writer Grania...

Rain or Shine

One of the joys of having a studio is being able to create the look of summer at the beach even if the weather is cold and blustery. This little cutie was oblivious to the rain that came down on the day of her...

The Beauty of Collaboration

What a privilege to work with the ever so talented Elizabeth Mincey of the Luna Aveda Salon who created these magnificent hairstyles for these local beauties who carried them off with such finesse. I love collaborating with like-minded...

Croatia Photographic Tour

Here’s what will be not only a FUN but truly picture perfect trip!!! If you haven’t been to Croatia here’s a chance to see one of the most luscious countries in Europe where ancient architecture and the natural beauty of pristine parks meet in a...

What a great birthday gift!

What a great birthday gift this lovely woman received when she came in for a session that celebrated her at this time in her life. It was wonderful to capture and create images that spoke to her personality and gave me an opportunity to get to know someone who, until...
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