Creatively United

  Coming to you April 20-22, 2012 Victoria’s best Earth Week Festival ever. Be prepared for FUN as we prepare to celebrate All That Is Good while creatively supporting those charities doing the hero work on our behalf. Stay tuned for the details for this...

House BOOtiful

This couple lives Halloween 365 days a year! What fun it was to photograph this haunted heritage house complete with spider webs and an eclentic variety of art and collectibles.

Art Shows

It’s always a wait and see process when entering adjudicated art shows. I recently submitted the following three pieces to the Sidney Fine Art Show for review to see if I was accepted into their prestigious Oct. 14-16 show. The first piece is a photograph I took...

Unplug and Come Play! Oct. 15th

What a great way to spend an October day, exploring the gift of creativity that lays in wait for time and space in all of us. This workshop will be a chance for everyone to try their hand at all kinds of artsy things and use art supplies they may never have tried...


What a pleasure to photograph the home of artist Jim Kirk for the House Beautiful feature section in Saturday’s Times-Colonist. I had met Jim several years ago when I was doing some volunteer work for the TLC (Land Conservancy) and they asked me if I would...
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