Giving Tuesday

I’m proud to be a part of Art Starts and commend their support of Giving Tuesday. In the kick-off leading up to this December 2nd movement, I’m delighted to be one of the artists featured.

Creatively United Rockheights School Project

It’s so gratifying to see the vision of working with students in nature come to fruition with the compilation of this book. The complete story will be released in early January with a media launch. If you would like to receive my monthly newsletter via...

Suzuki Blue Dot Tour

Although seriously jet-lagged after four flights and numerous time zones I couldn’t resist the opportunity to photograph David Suzuki’s Blue Dot Tour upon my return from hosting a trip to India. This incredible evening featured a wide variety of...

Incredible India!

Thanks to Cathy Scott at Niche Woman’s Tours for the honour to host a fabulous travel adventure to India. This is a trip beyond compare! At every blink of the eye there was a National Geographic moment in front of us and the stimulation of the colour, sounds,...

Election Time

You have one chance to make a good first impression so being entrusted with ensuring a person’s best image is put forth to the public is an honour. Here are but a few of the newest photos I’ve taken that the public will soon see more of!...
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