What an honour stand on the steps of the Legislative Buildings in my beautiful home city with the likes of The Honourable Elizabeth May, Green Party MP; Victoria City councillor and business woman extraordinaire Shellie Gudgeon; Port Angeles USA Deputy Mayor Patrick Downie; 5x Tedx speaker/new economy leader Donna Morton;
Butch Dick of the Songhees First Nations and in the company of runners gathered from all over the world, to receive the prestigious, international 2014 Sri Chinmoy Torch Bearer Award at the Sri-Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run.
The Peace Run, now in its 27th year is the longest torch relay in the world and takes place in more than 100 countries on six continents. The Canadian run starts in Victoria as part of a 10,000 mile journey across North America in the spirit of peace and harmony. It does not seek to raise money or promote any political or religious cause, but is about spreading goodwill among people of all nations.
I’m grateful to Narmada Trausz, Vancouver Island Peace Run Coordinator, to have been nominated to receive this year’s Torch Award and was equally delighted to be in the company of fellow award recipient Donna Morton, and also accept a Torch Award on behalf of Nigel Seale (Founder of Earth Day Canada) and deliver his acceptance speech.