I love the zen that comes from creating. Just walking into a camera or art store can be like a trip overseas for me as my mind escapes to a place of new possibilities. I love sharing in that experience with others and know how intimidating, yet rewarding it can be to explore one’s creativity. In doing so, we can learn how to let go and experience freedom. I’m delighted to offer both photography and creativity workshops to share in this zen.
This July, I was invited to teach one of my favourite courses at the Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts (MISSA) held at the beautiful Pearson College of the Pacific (please see blurb below).
Here some of the participants gather in front of a few of the many pieces they created that weekend. Most people left with five finished works of arts and tons of new ideas for taking their own creativity to new levels. It was FUN for sure and an experience I feel so honoured to have been a part of. I highly recommend checking MISSA out if you haven’t already.